Al-Islah Institute Madrasah

Contact Information

Moulna Javid

Principle of Al-Islah Institute

Contact: 07941176796


Class Timetables and Syllabus

Application Forms

Please send completed application forms via Email to Moulna Javid.

Al-Islah Institute Events

Here are some events that we have taken our students to. Are students also take part in regular charity events and appeals.

Water Pump Donation (2021)


Our students have donated a water pump to a village in Bangladesh.

Our students and their families personally donated the funds for this through the Goreeb and Yateem Trust Funds Tubewell Project.

Children's Trips (2021)

Our students are also offered chances to go out on day trips and outdoor activities.

We recently went to Jumpnation to reward our students and to develop team working skills.